Consultation des projets ANR

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des projets ANR.

ind titre acronyme reference ACTIONS
52883 Influence des émotions sur les stratégies de résolution de problèmes : études fondamentales et validations écologiques en milieu militaire EmoCog ANR-20-ASTC-0031
52884 Perturbations Radio dans l'Ionosphère en réponse aux Stimuli Magnétosphériques et Solaires PRISMS ANR-20-ASTC-0030
52885 Nouveaux concepts de propulsion tout électrique par vent ionique PROPULS-ION ANR-20-ASTC-0029
52886 Etude de stratégies Multi-échelles pour la simulation en Compatibilité Electromagnétique M2CEM ANR-20-ASTC-0028
52887 Solutions Technologies et Propriété Intellectuelle TIPS ANR-20-ASMC-0006
52888 From Nunavik to Iceland: Climate, Human and Culture through time across the coastal (sub)Arctic North Atlantic NICH-Arctic ANR-20-AORS-0003
52889 Rapid Arctic environmental Changes: implications for well-being, resilience and Evolution of Arctic communities RACE ANR-20-AORS-0002
52890 Sense Making, Place attachment and Extended networks as sources of Resilience in the Arctic SeMPER-Arctic ANR-20-AORS-0001
52891 Spatially targeted eradication of antimicrobial-resistant bacteria: Novel polymer-based photodynamic therapy following aerosol lung delivery TARGET-THERAPY ANR-20-AMRB-0009
52892 Medical Gas Plasma Technology Against Antibiotic-resistant Bacteria infecting Wounds Plasfect ANR-20-AMRB-0008
52893 Development and profiling of Pseudomonas aeruginosa LasB inhibitors as novel antivirulence agents LasBAntiv ANR-20-AMRB-0007
52894 Gen-Directed Re-Sensitization of Antibiotic Resistant Microorganisms within Complex Communities GENDARM ANR-20-AMRB-0006
52895 Extended spectrum antibodies against MDR and pan-resistant bacteria ESAAM ANR-20-AMRB-0005
52896 Promoting gut decolonization of multi-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae via the microbiome DECOLONIZE ANR-20-AMRB-0004
52897 Oxaboroles Targeting Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetases of Colonizing Gram-negative bacteria to Overcome Drug Resistance AntibiOxaborole ANR-20-AMRB-0003
52898 Improving antibiotics use in West Africa: exploring current situation and developing strategies for behaviour change AMR-B-CHANGE ANR-20-AMRB-0002
52899 Antimicrobial Resistance Transmission Routes in Caribbean Islands: a One Health Risk Analysis ACRAS-R ANR-20-AMRB-0001
52900 Recrutement des bactéries symbiotiques dans la phyllosphère: mécanismes de reconnaissance, fonctions et réaffectation de symbiotes foliaires héréditaires PHYLLOSYM ANR-19-TERC-0004
52901 Liquides ioniques multipotents pour de meilleurs dispositifs de stockages de l'énergie SMILEY ANR-19-TERC-0003
52902 Réduction Topologique de Données 3D Scientifiques In-Situ TORI ANR-19-TERC-0002
52903 Accélération laser-plasma avec des faisceaux laser non-diffractants et supraluminiques TGV ANR-19-TERC-0001
52904 Personalized Atrial Fibrillation Risk of Ischemic Stroke Assessment and Disease Trajectory Projection; towards a Unified Machine-Learning-Based Clinical Index PARIS ANR-19-SYME-0006
52905 Improved Treatment Stratification for Hodgkin Lymphoma Patients through the Use of Deep Learning, Molecular Imaging and Relevant Clinical Data HOLY-2020 ANR-19-SYME-0005
52906 Modelling Cell Plasticity at the Invasive Edge to Diminish Glioblastoma Early Relapse Risk MiEDGE ANR-19-SYME-0004
52907 Informing Treatment Decisions of Relapsed Neuroblastomas by Inference of Tumor Evolution INFER-NB ANR-19-SYME-0003
52908 Qualified Open Systems Pharmacology Modeling Network of Drug-Drug-Gene-Interactions INSPIRATION ANR-19-SYME-0002
52909 Resistance under Treatment in Breast Cancer RESCUER ANR-19-SYME-0001
52910 Dynamic Response of Tall Timber Buildings under Service Load DynaTTB ANR-19-SUM2-0003
52911 Towards intensification of conifer production through multi-varietal forestry based on somatic embryogenesis MULTIFOREVER ANR-19-SUM2-0002
52912 Novel business models and mechanisms for the sustainable supply of and payment for forest ecosystem services NOBEL ANR-19-SUM2-0001
52913 Climate Care Cattle Farming Systems CCCfarming ANR-19-SUGA-0004
52914 Decision support system for sustainable and GHG optimised milk production in key European areas MilKey ANR-19-SUGA-0003
52915 Precision Livestock Farming (PLF) Technologies to Reduce Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Intensity of Pasture-based Cattle Systems GrASTech ANR-19-SUGA-0002
52916 Strategies to mitigate GHG emissions from pasture-based sheep systems GrassToGas ANR-19-SUGA-0001
52917 Carbon Based Perovskite Solar Cells with UNI-Directional Electron Bulk Transport: in the QUEst of a Short Time to Market UNIQUE ANR-19-SOL2-0004
52918 Sequential, high Uniformity, Cost Competitive Elemental Selenization and Sulphurization for CIGSSe2 SUCCESS ANR-19-SOL2-0003
52919 Cost efficient, upscalable and stable transparent conductive oxides for silicon solar cells based on passivated contacts CUSTCO ANR-19-SOL2-0002
52920 Band Offset selective Barrier Three Terminal perovskite on silicon high efficiency Tandem Solar Cell BOBTANDEM ANR-19-SOL2-0001
52921 Valorisation agro-énergétique des Sargasses SAVE ANR-19-SARG-0009
52922 Etude des sargasses pélagiques : valorisation et suivi écologique et physiologique sur les côtes caribéennes SAVE-C ANR-19-SARG-0008
52923 Prévision des échouages de sargasses dans l'Atlantique Tropical FORESEA ANR-19-SARG-0007
52924 Corrosions atmosphérique et marine. Impact des composés chimiques issus de la décomposition des sargasses et rôle des microorganismes sur la corrosion de matériaux métalliques. Considérations phénoménologique et juridique CORSAiR ANR-19-SARG-0006
52925 Environnement côtier sous la pression des sargasses CESAR ANR-19-SARG-0005
52926 Identité et origine et des sargasses pélagiques SARGASSUM ORIGINS ANR-19-SARG-0004
52927 Impacts environnementaux des lixiviats de Sargasses dûs à l'arsenic et la chlordécone ; quantification, atténuation et perception sociale Sarg As Cld ANR-19-SARG-0003
52928 Approche intégrale de la valorisation des sargasse SARGOOD ANR-19-SARG-0002
52929 Effets sur la santé humaine de l'exposition chronique aux émanations gazeuses d'algues brunes sargasses en décomposition dans les Antilles françaises SARGACARE ANR-19-SARG-0001
52930 FAIRVASC - building registry interoperability to inform clinical care FAIRVASC ANR-19-RAR4-0017
52931 The European Ribosomopathy Consortium RiboEurope ANR-19-RAR4-0016
52932 A multidimensional single-cell approach to understand muscle dystrophy MYOCITY ANR-19-RAR4-0015